Friday, October 28, 2016

Always make sure to salt your hash

You may be wondering what the connection between the words hash, salt, rainbow tables, and dictionary is.  The answer? Cybersecurity.  Each of these terms plays a crucial role in the complex game of keeping user passwords safe.  Every database that stores passwords is liable to be compromised by malicious crackers, so computer scientists have needed to devise different ways to make sure our passwords and usernames remain safe.

Simply put, our passwords are not stored as our passwords.  To use a common password as an example, ‘letmein’ would not be stored in the database exactly as the string ‘letmein’.  Instead, encrypting algorithms change your password into an unintelligible combination of characters.  However, there are two forms of encryption. 

The first method is a two-way encryption using a key.  The password is changed into an unintelligible representation using a defined key.  However, if someone can get their hands on the key, they can easily crack all of the encrypted passwords.  As a result, encrypting passwords leaves them completely vulnerable to being compromised by someone with the key.  Yet, two-way encryption has a valid use in message transmission.  You provide the recipient with the key and the encrypted message, and they can subsequently decode it.

The second method is called hashing.  Hashing does not require a key, and is thus referred to as one-way. Instead of using a key, hashing converts a string of arbitrary length into a string of a fixed size.  It is infeasible to invert the hashed code back into a readable message.  As a result, it is used to store passwords in databases, since even if a cracker had access to hashed passwords, they would not be able to convert it back to readable passwords.  In addition random input, or ‘salt’, is also concatenated onto the password then hashed for extra security.

Hashing maps arbitrary length strings onto a fixed length string. 
A rainbow table is one mode of attack on hashed encryptions.  Rainbow tables use a pre-computed table of values to try to reverse a hash, as opposed to dictionary attacks that will go sequentially through a dictionary of characters to solve the problem in brute-force fashion.  Since the input is more limited, not as much of a burden is put on the computer’s storage.  Luckily, salting the hash renders even rainbow tables infeasible.

In the technical world of today, both corporate and personal data need to be kept safe for the sake of societal stability— cryptography is the key.

References & Pictures:

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